As of Wednesday 8 September, Hawea Store & Kitchen will operate within the newly imposed Level 2 Delta guidelines. We thank all of our wonderful customers for your loyalty, support, encouragement and co-operation during Levels 4 & 3. We look forward to getting back into business as usual one day very soon. Until then ... We remain committed to keeping Hawea well. Level 2 at Hawea Store & Kitchen Operations within our premises have changed once again under the new guidelines for Level 2 DELTA as set out by the NZ Ministry of Health. As ever, we ask for your continued patience and co-operation as we all find our feet. Please note the following changes:
2m physical distancing restrictions remain in place as in levels 3 & 4 instore
Facemasks must be worn at all times inside the premises, UNLESS you are seated
Mandatory sign-in OR QR code scan on arrival is required for all customers
Store Hours: 7:30am - 8pm, 7 days.
Our available services:
Grocery store
NZ Post
Regretfully our Restaurant & Bar remains closed at this time due to the difficulty of operations.
We know that these changes will cause disruption to the usual 'flow' of daily business at Hawea Kitchen & Store, but we are working within the guidelines provided as best we can.
Hamish and Erica Mackay
Owners / Operators
03 443 1696 or 022 185 7252